There seems to be a growing movement in Western Society to defame religious communities who hold a particular political bent, especially those in Christendom.
They accomplish this by portraying Christian Americans as totalitarian bigots who want to take power over everyone and everything, comparing religious leaders to men who slaughtered millions of people. Never mind that these accusers advocate for the murder of millions of children.
The simple strategy has been to classify anyone with a Bible and the U.S. Constitution as a “Christian Fascist.” *cue the shock and disgust*
What is Christian Fascism?
Fascism is a political movement that emphasizes the supremacy of the nation and power over individual citizens. This philosophy adheres to the belief that certain groups of people should rule based on race, religion, ethnicity, or nationality. These groups advance a centralized autocratic government in which they have absolute power.
Christian fascism is a fairly new term that has picked up profound buy-in. Vice ran an article in June of 2022 that explained it this way: “Christo-fascists [believe] that they’re fighting primordial battles between West and East, good and evil, right and left, Christians and infidels.” Simply suggesting that there is a battle between good and evil, according to Vice, is grounds for a fascist classification. Convenient.
Coined in 1970 by Dorothee Sölle, a liberation theologian, she argued that Christian fascism, or “Christofascism,” has always been a real threat and danger in society. It is one of the greatest dangers to society.
"[W]e fear christofascism, which we see as the political direction of all attempts to place Christ at the center of social life and history. […] [M]uch of the churches' teaching about Christ has turned into something that is dictatorial in its heart and is preparing society for an American fascism.”
Here’s the problem with that logic: every citizen has the right and freedom to advance their moral standard in society. Ultimately, this is a war of words. When atheists attempt to advance abortion rights for women — it’s “advocacy.” But, when a Christian attempts to advance the ideals of human dignity — it’s “fascism.” When Christians speak up for their sincere religious convictions on the issue of transgenderism — fascism, but when culture advocates for the advancement of these ideas — it’s love. When Christians advocate for parent rights in education and medicine — fascism. But, when society takes those rights away from us — it’s protecting children from the dangers of Christian parents.
Sinclair Lewis, an American writer and playwright, famously said, "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." A serious charge deserves a serious response.
James Luther Adams, a social activist and journal editor, famously said that fascism would not come to America in the form of Nazism but in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Biblical sanctification of the state. In other words, any fusing of Christian ideals with American identity is an autocratic, tyrannical threat.
Some even claim that the Holy Bible advocates for this philosophy. The works of Hitler and Mussolini? Plínio Salgado and Marshal Philippe Pétain? All inspired and justified under Scripture, right? Truth and context are usually lacking in these arguments, but they are key.
What does Scripture say?
In the Old Testament, Ancient Israel was ruled by a divine and benevolent theocratic monarchy with God at the center. This government was neither oppressive nor ruthless. Instead, this Kingdom ruled with wisdom and justice. Race and nationality were not justifications for supremacy. The apostle Paul himself said there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, male and female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.
To sling fascism around the neck of Christians is fallacious, prejudiced, and dangerous. No Church or denomination in Christianity has advocated for autocracy or religious supremacy in society. Voting for Christian candidates to… let’s say… represent the millions of Christians in society isn’t advocating for supremacy or exclusivity. It’s advocating for representation.

Speaking up for Biblical truth in society does not advance an autocratic, militant philosophy. It advances hope, love, justice, and compassion. It strengthens our efforts to help the poor, care for the broken, and speak up for the marginalized. Here’s the real kicker: Speaking a religious opinion in public is not compelling people to accept that viewpoint.
Labeling disciples of Jesus Christ as fascists for simply promoting their ideals in society falsely discredits and demonizes an entire religious community. Chris Hedges, a journalist and author of American Fascists, claims that “For decades [Christian fascists] have been organizing to take power. They have built infrastructures and organizations, including lobbying groups, schools and universities as well as media platforms, to prepare. They have seeded their cadre into the political system. We on the left, meanwhile, have seen our institutions and organizations destroyed or corrupted by corporate power.”
This, in their hearts and minds — is a war between Christendom and culture. It’s a zero-sum game, and they will be damned if they give a single inch of territory.
Let me be clear: I am gravely against Christian Nationalism or any movement, religious or otherwise, that would advocate for supremacy based on race, religion, or creed.
Christian fascism is the cultural cabal’s strategy to weaken Christianity. Why? Because their ultimate desire is to build a godless utopia in which religion is silenced, truth is smothered, and the only authority sitting on that metaphorical throne is self-indulgence. It’s a world without conscience, without virtue, without love.
Who are the real fascists now?